Tuesday, January 26, 2010


An email from my roommate, E:

Yesterday, Charlotte's* daughter Rory (age 5) was home sick from school, so I, (being the NICE employee that I am) told Charlotte I would help her out and go watch Rory for a couple hours while she went to a meeting. Rory, not REALLY sick, wanted to go play in their playroom. While playing, we stumbled upon her new camera and she wanted to show me some "funny pictures." We scrolled through holiday pictures, New Years pictures, random pictures that a 5-year-old would take...when all of the sudden we came upon NAKED pictures of Rory's dad (CHARLOTTE'S HUSBAND) in the bathroom. There was an assortment of FULL FRONTAL nude photos ranging from Greg coming out of the shower to him going to the bathroom. Rory must have ambushed him one morning, because he wasn't exactly posing for the pictures. But, sure enough, I was SHOCKED and didn't know what to do...

Rory: You can see my dad's WEINER!!
Me: Oh, yes Rory. You can.
Rory: Isn't that SOOO funny??
Me: Hilarious. Rory, do your parents know you have these pictures?
Rory: I don't know...
Me: Well you probably shouldn't show them to people...
Who have you shown them to?
Rory: Just ALL my other babysitters...

Poor E. Seeing your boss' husband's dong? Gross.

*names have been changed to protect the innocent.



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